Welcome to my neocities 😈😈 (going thru updates rn ignore how messy this might be)

About ME

hihi im Lonnie, im 14, Male, INTJ-T, 'Mericann (PST), furry artist, and the embodiment of the nerd emoji.

Some semi-interesting things about me.. i collect CDs and Xbox (OG and 360) games mostly, i do collect other random stuff but im not really dedicated to it as much as the stuff i listed. Im currently fixated on Mortal Kombat, i have most of the lore down i think (except for MK X.. the game and comic). Im SUPERR passionate about my taste in music, like extremely passionate. I'm kinda a tech nerd (but also not?? idk), im pretty interested in Linux and sixth-seventh gen consoles, 2000's gaming laptops/PCs, and Old/Garbage Tech.


i have horrible social anxiety, im extremely awkard too so bear with me. sometimes i overthink what i say and sometimes i just say whatever

i dont really care who interacts with me, but stay away from me if ur a proshippers, genuine weirdo, or one of THOSE true crime ppl..

Cool ass Stamps and Blinkies
